
PSYC 110 Final Exam NEW

  1. (TCOs 1, 2) According to Freud, unconscious urges (Points : 5)

Question 2.2. (TCOs 1, 2) Julie finds that the number of hours she sleeps each night is related to the scores she receives on quizzes the next day. As her sleep approaches eight hours, her quiz scores improve; as her sleep drops to five hours, her quiz scores show a similar decline. Julie realizes that _. (Points : 5)

Question 3.3. (TCOs 2, 3) Your teacher asks you to describe the sequence of parts of a neuron that the impulse travels during neural conduction. Which of the following sequences will you offer? (Points : 5)

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Question 4.4. (TCOs 2, 3) Alice is typing her term paper in the computer lab. Although a class is going on just a few feet away, she does not seem to notice. Which part of the brain allows Alice to focus on her typing and ignore the distractions that surround her? (Points : 5)

Question 5.5. (TCO 4) Which of the following is the primary structure that allows one to maintain his or her balance? (Points : 5)

Question 6.6. (TCO 4) The best explanation of the moon illusion is _. (Points : 5)

Question 7.7. (TCO 5) Which of the following is CORRECT concerning REM deprivation? (Points : 5)

Question 8.8. (TCO 5) The activation-synthesis hypothesis of dreaming states that _. (Points : 5)

Question 9.9. (TCOs 7, 8) In a conditioning experiment, a sound is paired with a brief puff of air to the eye of the rabbit. After several pairings, the rabbit ultimately blinks its eye when it hears the sound. Which of the following is true? (Points : 5)

Question 10.10. (TCOs 7, 8) A young child watches her mother make pancakes. She wants to please her mother so she pays attention. However, when she goes to make them on her own, she can’t break the eggs for the batter without making a terrible mess and dropping them on the floor, no matter how hard she tries. Her attempt failed because of a problem with which part of the necessary components for observational learning? (Points : 5)

Question 11.11. (TCOs 7, 8) “The effectiveness of memory retrieval is directly related to the similarity of cues present when the memory was encoded to the cues present when the memory is retrieved.” What concept does this statement describe? (Points : 5)

Question 12.12. (TCOs 7, 8) Evidence suggests that procedural memories are stored in the _. (Points : 5)

Question 13.13. (TCO 8) Which type of thinking is most closely related to creativity? (Points : 5)

Question 14.14. (TCO 8) Which of the following statements BEST describes the general relationship between thinking and language? (Points : 5)

Question 15.15. (TCO 10) Emily and her husband are thrilled as they peer into Emily’s uterus by means of an ultrasound. The physician reports that the pregnancy appears normal and that their baby’s fingers, toes, heart, and circulatory system are developing as expected. The couple learns that the baby is only an inch long. Given this information, the current stage of prenatal development is the _. (Points : 5)

Question 1.1. (TCO 10) Your little sister picks up objects, feels every part of them, and then puts them in her mouth. What stage of Jean Piaget’s model of cognitive development does this behavior suggest she is in? (Points : 5)

Question 2.2. (TCO 9) Michael has trained very long hours in order to qualify for the Olympics in diving. He has sacrificed a great deal—he put his education on hold and spent a lot of time away from his two small children and wife. To Michael, qualifying for the Olympics is a(n) __. (Points : 5)

Question 3.3. (TCO 9) You just finished a cup of very strong coffee, which causes your body to have a general feeling of arousal. That afternoon, you walk past a cemetery where several people are crying at a graveside. According to Schachter and Singer, which of the following would most likely occur? (Points : 5)

Question 4.4. (TCO 11) The primary sex characteristics develop as _. (Points : 5)

Question 5.5. (TCO 11) According to research, the majority of gay or bisexual college men report they first became aware of their sexual orientation in _. (Points : 5)

Question 6.6. (TCO 6) For the past six months, Dahlia’s job has been extremely stressful, but she doesn’t feel that she can quit, because she needs the money for tuition. Dahlia has been having chronic headaches and is behind in all of her classes. According to Hans Selye, Dahlia is in the _ stage of the general adaptation syndrome. (Points : 5)

Question 7.7. (TCO 6) Pepe moved from Argentina to France. He chose not to learn to speak and write French, continues to maintain his old culture’s styles of dress and customs, and lives in a neighborhood where only people from Argentina live. Pepe has used which method of entering the majority culture? (Points : 5)

Question 8.8. (TCO 13) Which statement is the best explanation of the fundamental attribution error? (Points : 5)

Question 9.9. (TCO 13) “Out of sight, out of mind” is a cliché that is consistent with the _ rule of interpersonal attraction. (Points : 5)

Question 10.10. (TCO 11) Jeff has to get up early to go to school, but he wants to stay up late and watch television. His parents disapprove of him staying up late, but when they go out for the evening, he disregards their wishes and stays up late anyway. The next day, he feels extremely guilty. How would Carl Rogers explain Jeff’s guilt? (Points : 5)

Question 11.11. (TCO 11) Karesh is from India and really cares about others’ welfare. His wife is Chinese and he is known for the fact that he does not adhere to strict rules and regulations. He is tolerant of others and plans to become a social worker. According to Hofstede, what type of cultural personality would Karesh be? (Points : 5)

Question 12.12. (TCO 11) When a patient arrives in the emergency room, he is restless and irritable with unlimited energy and a rapid rate of speech. The attending psychiatrist believes the patient has taken cocaine or amphetamines and admits him for observation. The next day, the symptoms are the same. What condition with symptoms that are similar to those associated with amphetamine use might the psychiatrist now consider as a condition that is relevant to the diagnosis? (Points : 5)

Question 13.13. (TCO 11) Which of the following is the biological explanation for mood disorders? (Points : 5)

Question 14.14. (TCO 12) Expressing empathy, developing the discrepancies between a client’s present behaviors and values, rolling with resistance, and supporting a client’s self-efficacy are the four pillars of _. (Points : 5)

Question 15.15. (TCO 12) A technique for treating phobias and other stress disorders in which the person is suddenly exposed to the fear-provoking situation or object in an intense way and is prevented from making the usual avoidance or escape response is called _. (Points : 5)

Question 1.1. (TCO 1) Summarize Erikson’s eight stages of psychosocial development. Provide an example for each stage that describes successful resolution of each stage. (Points : 20)

Question 2.2. (TCO 6) Compare and contrast problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping. Is one necessarily better than the other? Can you give an example where either might be useful, stating the specific way in which each coping skill might be employed? (Points : 15)

Question 3.3. (TCO 13) How do advertisers use the principles of persuasion as discussed in Chapter 12? Pick a television commercial and use it as an example of the components of persuasion. (Points : 15)

Question 4.4. (TCO 11) List and describe two anxiety disorders. List the most relevant symptoms of the disorders that you chose. Describe the viewpoints of two different psychological models on the cause of anxiety disorders. (Points : 20)

Question 5.5. (TCO 12) Describe psychoanalysis. Include information about its theoretical background, how it seeks to help people, its key concepts, and an evaluation of its effectiveness.(Points : 20)

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